
Ground Zero info
Schedule of events:SEPTEMBER 5: Friday.2 pm: Meet at Ribs BBQ on NM 14 for late lunch, drinks.3 pm: Hit the road for Lake Abiquiu.
Schedule of events:SEPTEMBER 5: Friday.2 pm: Meet at Ribs BBQ on NM 14 for late lunch, drinks.3 pm: Hit the road for Lake Abiquiu.
This is not an organized "toy run" type ride, leave early if you like, set up camp, swim in the lake, whatever.
Those that ride with the Atomic group are expected to be self sufficient! We are going to be stopping to cool off at a few spots along the way, this isnt a race.. its a ride.. Enjoy it!
There may or may not be a "chase truck" available, so bring what you need with you!?? pm (most likely 6-7 pm): BBQ at the lake!Cost is $5 per person, all you can eat! Our good friend Gabe Kajimura from After Hours Choppers will be the chef. The menu will consist of tri tip, shrimp, potatoes, and maybe some other goodies.. Wrist bands will be worn if you are eating!!
The lake is BYOB.. and people are encouraged to "pitch in" but we dont need 50 cases.. there is a gas station about 15 miles from the camp spot.. so you wont have to haul far.THE CAMP SITE WILL BE SELF POLICED.. we dont need any rookie BS.. if you cant handle yourself.. maybe think about NOT boozing. Clean up after yourself, etc etc.Swim, relax, shoot the shit, HAVE FUN!!
SEPT 6: Saturday.9-10 am: Breakfast will be all you can eat as well. $5 a head... home made burritos..The second day takes us over NM 126 which is partially unpaved, so be ready. This is sort of a chopper adventure ride. I test rode the dirt section earlier this year and the road is much improved compared to the last time I rode it! No worries here guys and gals, if you know how to ride a motorcycle, you will be able to ride this road.Once we get back into Albuquerque everyone can just break off and do your own thing.. Rest, recover, fix your bike, whatever...
The show starts at 6 pm.. 3rd street and Golden, downtown Albuquerque. Same $10 entry fee as in years past. (more on details of the block party as we firm up plans).This year we are having an outdoor stage with beer garden.. no more cramming into the bar to hear whats going on!Be sure to reserve your camp spot at Lake Abiquiu (read previous posts for info on that), and reserve your room at Hotel Blue for the night of GZ.See you there!!!!!!!
Kustom Kulture Art Show
Save the Date: Kustom Kulture Art Show
The 26th of September in Milan @ Revel Scalo d'Isola the First "KUSTOM KULTURE ART SHOW" Artists Involved: Wildman (Japan), Makoto (Japan), Mr. G (Japan), Capitan Blaster (Veneto/Sweden), Custom Design (Torino), Danx Pinstriping (Milano), Massy Zeta (Ladispoli), Riccardo “Ricky” Brotini (Pisa), The Arch Villain (Milano), Danilo "Absolute Ink" (Vigevano/Switzerland)
Special Guest : Nash / Burn Out Magazine
Info: romano@customsickles.com - - - -
Il prossimo 26 settembre si terrà il primo “KUSTOM KULTURE ART SHOW” a Milano. L'evento sarà gratuito e si terrà dal pomeriggio di sabato 26 Settembre presso: Revel Scalo d'Isola - Via Thaon De Revel 3, Milano http://www.revelmilano.com/
Artisti che hanno confermato la loro presenza: Wildman (Giappone), Makoto (Giappone), Mr. G (Giappone), Capitan Blaster (Veneto/Svezia), Custom Design (Torino), Danx Pinstriping (Milano), Massy Zeta (Ladispoli), Riccardo “Ricky” Brotini (Pisa), The Arch Villain (Milano), Danilo "Absolute Ink" (Vigevano/Svizzera)
Partners dell’iniziativa sono OFFICINE MERMAID, CUSTOM SICKLES, LOW RIDE MAGAZINE e MOONEYES JAPAN. Ospite speciale dell’evento sarà NASH che festeggerà i primi 10 anni di attività della sua rivista BURN OUT MAGAZINE http://nash.kustomkulture.jp/
The 26th of September in Milan @ Revel Scalo d'Isola the First "KUSTOM KULTURE ART SHOW" Artists Involved: Wildman (Japan), Makoto (Japan), Mr. G (Japan), Capitan Blaster (Veneto/Sweden), Custom Design (Torino), Danx Pinstriping (Milano), Massy Zeta (Ladispoli), Riccardo “Ricky” Brotini (Pisa), The Arch Villain (Milano), Danilo "Absolute Ink" (Vigevano/Switzerland)
Special Guest : Nash / Burn Out Magazine
Info: romano@customsickles.com - - - -
Il prossimo 26 settembre si terrà il primo “KUSTOM KULTURE ART SHOW” a Milano. L'evento sarà gratuito e si terrà dal pomeriggio di sabato 26 Settembre presso: Revel Scalo d'Isola - Via Thaon De Revel 3, Milano http://www.revelmilano.com/
Artisti che hanno confermato la loro presenza: Wildman (Giappone), Makoto (Giappone), Mr. G (Giappone), Capitan Blaster (Veneto/Svezia), Custom Design (Torino), Danx Pinstriping (Milano), Massy Zeta (Ladispoli), Riccardo “Ricky” Brotini (Pisa), The Arch Villain (Milano), Danilo "Absolute Ink" (Vigevano/Svizzera)
Partners dell’iniziativa sono OFFICINE MERMAID, CUSTOM SICKLES, LOW RIDE MAGAZINE e MOONEYES JAPAN. Ospite speciale dell’evento sarà NASH che festeggerà i primi 10 anni di attività della sua rivista BURN OUT MAGAZINE http://nash.kustomkulture.jp/
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